From Super Bowl Champion to High School Student in "When The Game Stands Tall"

 AthletesLTD spoke with Marlon Favorite (Super Bowl XLIV Champion, and 2007 BCS National Champion) about his role  (Buster Matthews) in the movie "When The Game Stands Tall."  Marlon is a writer for AthletesLTD and is a speaker for today's youth and talks about the importance succeeding against all odds.

AthletesLTD + Marlon Favorite Interview on "When The Game Stands Tall"

Marlon Favorite: 
IG: BigFav
Twitter: BigFav504

AthletesLTD: How was the experience of making your big screen debut with so many Hollywood actors?

Marlon Favorite: It was amazing and truly a blessing! I had the opportunity to work with Jim Caviezel (Person of Interest, The Passion of the Christ), Michael Chiklis (The Shield, Vegas, Fantastic Four), Alex Ludwig (The Hunger Games, Lone Survivor), and others. I've learned a lot from these actors in the short time that we had. 

AthletesLTD: That's awesome and sounds like you had a great time! So how did you get the opportunity to become apart of this film?

Marlon Favorite: Man, now that's a story. God is amazing! I'll try to make it short but at the time I was a coach at De La Salle High School in New Orleans and had just finished a workout with the kids.  That's when Coach Chris P. and producer David Zelon passed me in the hallway.  Mr. David then asked me if I was a student! After I told him I was the Defensive Coordinator for the team he replied, "Man you're a big dude." That is when he told me that he was a producer for "When The Game Stands Tall" along with Director Thomas Carter.  I left the conversation saying "if you need any big football players, let me know!" A few weeks later I received a phone call from Coach Ryan (Head Coach for De La Salle - New Orleans) and Duke Rousse (Speed Coach) that the production crew was interested in hiring me.  After I auditioned, I received the role of Buster Matthews, and the rest is history! God is good. 


Watch the Trailer Here:

It was never just about winning. Watch the new trailer for When The Game Stands Tall inspired by the extraordinary true story. ‪#‎StandTall‬